MIRAGE publications


Bellora, Cecilia, and Lionel Fontagné. “EU in Search of a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism.” Energy Economics 123 (2023): 106673. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eneco.2023.106673.
Bureau, Jean-Christophe, Houssein Guimbard, and Sébastien Jean. “Competing Liberalizations: Tariffs and Trade in the Twenty-First Century.” Review of World Economics 155, no. 4 (2019): 707–53. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10290-019-00346-1.
Fontagné, Lionel, Jean Fouré, and Alexander Keck. “Simulating World Trade in the Decades Ahead: Driving Forces and Policy Implications.” The World Economy 40, no. 1 (2017): 36–55. https://doi.org/10.1111/twec.12479.
Guimbard, Houssein, and Maëlan Le Goff. “Mega-Deals: What Consequences for SSA?” Journal of African Economies 26, no. 2 (2017): 223–55. https://doi.org/10.1093/jae/ejw029.
Disdier, Anne-Célia, Charlotte Emlinger, and Jean Fouré. “Interdependencies Between Atlantic and Pacific Agreements: Evidence from Agri-Food Sectors.” Economic Modelling 55, no. 1 (2016): 241–53. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econmod.2016.02.011.
Fouré, Jean, Houssein Guimbard, and Stéphanie Monjon. “Border Carbon Adjustment and Trade Retaliation: What Would Be the Cost for the European Union?” Energy Economics 54 (2016): 349–62. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eneco.2015.11.021.
Château, Jean, Lionel Fontagné, Jean Fouré, Åsa Johansson, and Eduardo Olaberrı́a. “Trade Patterns in the 2060 World Economy.” OECD Journal: Economic Studies 2015, no. 1 (2015): 67–100. https://doi.org/10.1787/eco_studies-2015-5jrs63llqgjl.
Gouel, Christophe, Cristina Mitaritonna, and Maria Priscila Ramos. “Sensitive Products in the Doha Negotiations: The Case of European and Japanese Market Access.” Economic Modelling 28, no. 6 (2011): 2395–2403. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econmod.2011.06.014.
Bouët, Antoine, and David Laborde. “Assessing the Potential Cost of a Failed Doha Round.” World Trade Review 9, no. 2 (2010): 319–51. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1474745609990267.
———. “Eight Years of Doha Trade Talks: Where Do We Stand?” Estey Centre Journal of International Law & Trade Policy 11, no. 2 (2010): 349–70. https://doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.93256.
———. “Why Is the Doha Development Agenda Failing? And What Can Be Done? A Computable General Equilibrium–Game Theoretical Approach.” The World Economy 33, no. 11 (2010): 1486–516. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9701.2010.01302.x.
Bouët, Antoine, Simon Mevel, and David Orden. “More or Less Ambition in the Doha Round: Winners and Losers from Trade Liberalisation with a Development Perspective.” World Economy 30, no. 8 (2007): 1253–80. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9701.2007.01044.x.
Bouët, Anoine, Simon Mevel, and David Orden. “More or Less Ambition in the Doha Round? Modeling the Development Impact of Recent Proposals.” Eurochoices 5, no. 2 (2006): 40–49. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1746-692X.2006.00033.x.
Bouët, Antoine, Jean-Christophe Bureau, Yvan Decreux, and Sébastien Jean. “Multilateral Agricultural Trade Liberalisation: The Contrasting Fortunes of Developing Countries in the Doha Round.” World Economy 28, no. 9 (2005): 1329–54. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9701.2005.00736.x.
Bchir, Mohamed Hedi, Yvan Decreux, and Jean-Louis Guérin. “Accord de Libre-échange Entre l’union Européenne Et Le Mercosur: Une étude Avec Le Modèle MIRAGE.” Economie Internationale 94-95, no. 2-3 (2003): 77–108. https://doi.org/10.3917/ecoi.094.0077.
———. “Consequences of a Free-Trade Agreement Between UE and Mercosur: A Study with Mirage.” Integration and Trade 17 (2002).
Bchir, Mohamed Hedi, Yvan Decreux, Jean-Louis Guérin, and Sébastien Jean 1. “MIRAGE, Un Modèle d’équilibre général Calculable Pour l’évaluation Des Politiques Commerciales.” Economie Internationale 89-90, no. 1-2 (2002): 109–53. https://doi.org/10.3917/ecoi.089.0109.

Book chapters

Bureau, Jean-Christophe, Houssein Guimbard, and Sébastien Jean. “Tariff Policies and the Progress Toward Open Markets for Agricultural Products?” In Handbook of International Food and Agricultural Policies, edited by Karle Meilke and Tim Josling, 151–86. World Scientific, 2017.
Bouët, Antoine, and David Laborde. “Market Access Versus Domestic Support : Assessing the Relative Impacts on Developing Countries’ Agriculture.” In Non-Distorting Farm Support to Enhance Global Food Production, edited by Aziz Elbehri and Alexander Sarris, 217–160. Rome: Food; Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 2009.
Bouët, Antoine, Lionel Fontagné, and Sébastien Jean. “Is Erosion of Tariff Preferences a Serious Concern?” In Agricultural Trade Reform and the Doha Development Agenda, edited by Kym Anderson and Will Martin, 161–92. Palgrave Macmillan/World Bank, 2006.


Fontagné, Lionel, Cristina Mitaritonna, and Yu Zheng. “Décollage Du Commerce Intra-Africain : L’impératif de Croissance économique.” La lettre du CEPII. CEPII, 2022. http://www.cepii.fr/CEPII/fr/publications/lettre/abstract.asp?NoDoc=13269.
Bellora, Cecilia, and Lionel Fontagné. “L’arroseur Arrosé : Guerre Commerciale Et Chaînes de Valeur Mondiales.” La lettre du CEPII. CEPII, 2019. http://www.cepii.fr/CEPII/en/publications/lettre/abstract.asp?NoDoc=12240.
———. “Shooting Oneself in the Foot? US Trade Policy Coping with Global Value Chains.” La lettre du CEPII. CEPII, 2019. http://www.cepii.fr/CEPII/en/publications/lettre/abstract.asp?NoDoc=12240.
Bellora, Cecilia, and Jean Fouré. “Retrait Des Etats-Unis de l’accord de Paris : Le Relais Encourageant Des Initiatives Locales.” La lettre du CEPII. CEPII, 2017. http://www.cepii.fr/CEPII/en/publications/lettre/abstract.asp?NoDoc=10449.
Fontagné, Lionel, Julien Gourdon, and Sébastien Jean. “Transatlantic Trade: Whither Partnership, Which Economic Consequences?” CEPII Policy Brief. CEPII, 2013. http://www.cepii.fr/CEPII/en/publications/pb/abstract.asp?NoDoc=6113.
Bouët, Antoine, and David Laborde. “Eight Years of Doha Trade Talks : Where Do We Stand?” IFPRI Issue Brief. IFPRI, 2009. http://cdm15738.contentdm.oclc.org/utils/getfile/collection/p15738coll2/id/22069/filename/22070.pdf.
Gouel, Christophe, and Maria-Priscila Ramos. “American and European Agricultural Market Access: A Concern for the South?” La Lettre du CEPII. Paris: CEPII, April 2008. http://www.cepii.fr/anglaisgraph/publications/lettre/summary/2008/let277ang.htm.
Bouët, Antoine, and David Laborde. “The Potential Cost of a Failed Doha Round.” IFPRI Issue Brief. IFPRI, 2008. https://www.ifpri.org/publication/potential-cost-failed-doha-round-0.
Fontagné, Lionel, David Laborde, and Cristina Mitaritonna. WTO Trade Talks: A Bird in the Hand Is Worth Two in the Bush.” La lettre du CEPII. CEPII, 2007. http://www.cepii.fr/CEPII/en/publications/lettre/abstract.asp?NoDoc=791.
Fouquin, Michel. “L’intégration économique En Asie Orientale.” La lettre du CEPII. CEPII, 2007. http://www.cepii.fr/CEPII/en/publications/lettre/abstract.asp?NoDoc=1795.
Bouët, Antoine, Simon Mevel, and David Orden. “Two Opportunities to Deliver on the Doha Development Pledge.” IFPRI Research Brief. IFPRI, 2006. https://doi.org/10.2499/Researchbrief06.
———. “More or Less Ambition? Modeling the Development Impact of u.s.-EU Agricultural Proposals in the Doha Round.” IFPRI Research Brief. IFPRI, 2005. https://doi.org/10.2499/Researchbrief02.
Bchir, Mohamed Hedi, Lionel Fontagné, and Paolo Zanghieri. “Everyone Will Gain from Enlargement, Won’t They.” La lettre du CEPII. CEPII, 2003. http://www.cepii.fr/CEPII/en/publications/lettre/abstract.asp?NoDoc=263.


Bellora, Cecilia, Jean Fouré, and Lionel Fontagné. “Evaluation Macro-économique Des Impacts de l’accord économique Et Commercial Global Entre Le Canada Et l’union Européenne.” CEPII Research Report. CEPII, 2019. http://www.cepii.fr/CEPII/en/publications/reports/abstract.asp?NoDoc=12278.
Bellora, Cecilia, Charlotte Emlinger, Jean Fouré, and Houssein Guimbard. “EU - UK Agricultural Trade: State of Play and Possible Impacts of Brexit.” CEPII Research Report. CEPII, 2017. http://cepii.fr/CEPII/fr/publications/reports/abstract.asp?NoDoc=10613.
Bellora, Cecilia, and Houssein Guimbard. Évaluation Quantitative d’un Accord Commercial Entre l’union Européenne, l’australie Et La Nouvelle zélande.” CEPII Research Report. CEPII, 2016. http://www.cepii.fr/CEPII/fr/publications/reports/abstract.asp?NoDoc=9519.
Fouré, Jean, and Lionel Fontagné. “Long Term Socio-Economic Scenarios for Representative Concentration Pathways Defining Alternative CO2 Emission Trajectories.” CEPII Research Report. CEPII, 2016. http://www.cepii.fr/CEPII/fr/publications/reports/abstract.asp?NoDoc=8565.
Emlinger, Charlotte, Lionel Fontagné, Jean Fouré, Sébastien Jean, Jean-Christophe Bureau, Anne-Célia Disdier, and Gabriel Felbermayr. “Risks and Opportunities for the EU Agri-Food Sector in a Possible EU-US Trade Agreement.” European Parliament Studies. European Parliament, 2014. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2014/514007/AGRI_IPOL_STU%282014%29514007_EN.pdf.
Al-Riffai, Perrihan, Betina Dimaranan, and David Laborde. “Global Trade and Environmental Impact Study of the EU Biofuels Mandate.” International Food Policy Research Institute, 2010. https://www.ifpri.org/publication/global-trade-and-environmental-impact-study-eu-biofuels-mandate.
Decreux, Yvan, Lionel Fontagné, and Houssein Guimbard. “Economic Impact of a Potential Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Between the European Union and Asean.” CEPII Research Report. CEPII, 2008. http://www.cepii.fr/CEPII/fr/publications/reports/abstract.asp?NoDoc=3656.
Decreux, Yvan, and Cristina Mitaritonna. “Economic Impact of a Potential Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Between the European Union and India.” CEPII Research Report. CEPII, 2007.
Gouel, Christophe, and David Laborde. “Prospective Agriculture 2013.” CEPII, 2007.
Boumellassa, Houssein, Yvan Decreux, and Lionel Fontagné. “Economic Impact of a Potential Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Between the European Union and Asean.” CEPII Research Report. CEPII, 2006. http://www.cepii.fr/CEPII/fr/publications/reports/abstract.asp?NoDoc=3656.