MIRAGE model overview
MIRAGE is a recursive-dynamic multi-sector, multi-country Computable General Equilibrium model devoted to trade policy analysis and to long-term growth and environmental issues. It has been developed since 2001 by the CEPII.
MIRAGE exists currently in two versions, with different use cases. The first one is named MIRAGE-Power. It develops the supply side of MIRAGE to represent the details of the electricity sector and is dedicated to studying environmental issues. The second one is named MIRAGE-VA and focuses on modeling trade relationships between countries and sectors. It uses multi-regional input-output tables GTAP-MRIO to tackle trade policy issues.
To represent the world economy, MIRAGE is based on the GTAP database for social accounting matrices and relies on a number of satellite databases produced by the CEPII and other institutions:
- Its baseline scenario (up to 2100) is based on the MaGE growth model, a macro-econometric model specifically designed to provide consistent GDP projections consistent with the design of MIRAGE.
- Trade policies instruments come from MAcMap-HS6 (Bouët et al. 2008; Guimbard et al. 2012) for the ad valorem equivalents of preferential tariffs, from AVEs-Services (Fontagné, Mitaritonna, and Signoret 2016) for the ad valorem equivalents of Non-Tariff Measures in the services sectors,
- Its trade elasticities come from the “Product Level Trade Elasticities” dataset of Fontagné, Guimbard, and Orefice (2022).